Facebook and instagram logo vector
Facebook and instagram logo vector

facebook and instagram logo vector

Twitter prefers its icon to be represented free of container, but offers square, rounded square, and circular containers if they better suit your needs.When limitations with print coloring apply, Twitter will allow the logo to be displayed in black. Only use the icon in Twitter blue or white.Facebook variations of its icon spec’d for online, print, and TV and film. Download icons according to your medium.Do not animate or represent the logo in the form of physical objects.It should be at equal size to all other icons.

facebook and instagram logo vector facebook and instagram logo vector

  • Make sure the icon is reproduced in a legible size.
  • The Facebook icon should always appear in a rounded square-shaped container.
  • Blue, grey, white and black versions are available for download. Revert to black and white if facing color limitations.
  • Only use the icon in Facebook blue or reversed white and blue.
  • Where to source social media icons Facebook Bonus: Read the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.

    Facebook and instagram logo vector